Can you determine your future?
Many people believe that our future is pre-determined. Yet others believe life just happens as a result of positive or negative circumstances. Still others feel that the future can only be predicted for those who work hard or are born 'under a lucky star'. What do you think? Hip-hop legends Tupac and Biggie spoke about their deaths in songs they wrote. Did they predict their deaths?
I believe that when you work hard you can have a good education and have a good job because of it. Also some people could have their life planned out for them or their parents might have some money and be able to pay their kids through college and everything and some might not have that luxury. I fell tupac and Biggie predicted their deaths because they spoke it into existence.
Oh yes I very strongly believe that our future is predetermined because those who work hard will succeed in life. If you are born under a lucky star, yes you will get more attention and get paid for showing up at events just because like paris hilton. But in some cases that might not be the answer unless you have a special talent of course. Tupac and Biggie very much spoke of their deaths and sooner or later it came to reality that is why we have to be very cautious of what we speak.
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Yes you can determine your future by the things you do to get to your goal. as long as you work hard and chase your dreams you can get whatever you want i believe ya digg
Hey Diamond Princess, thanks for your response. Lots of people work hard and don't achieve their dreams. Why do you think this happens? Many people achieve success without hard work but simply by being in the right place at the right time or by being born into a certain family.How does this factor into your belief of hard work?Just food for thought Diamond Princess...I definitely believe that we must intentionally chase our dreams!
i think that our future is determined however, the paths we choose can change it!! all the things we do help determine our future!! it all depends on us!!
i personally believe, through my faith, that god knows EVERY step i take before i take it, and that he knows exactly what will happen. my actions, and thoughts will not change the outcome of my life. i have no control of my destiny, just know that i am on his road, and his paths will guide me home.
i think that we can make some choices by doing the right things.
One has the ultimatum of determining their own feature. Its all about the ability of having choice. Choices defines us who we are as a person. Whether is to accept drugs or to continue with school. They are obstacles to face that may hold us back for a time period but it can be workable. Everyone has their own unique situations, whether living with a single parent in the projects or being involved with a wealthy family in the Hamptoms. none is alike. Nothing is predetermined in my opinion. One may have all the necessary tools to do well and can just blow it off in a snap. They are expectations but the person itself has the choice to live up to that promise. Overall the ability of choice is the only link to determine futures.
Everyone has a good points. But i belive that we can determin some of our future with our hard work we can accomplish our goals. In the other hand, things unexpected always happen small or big and it might end up changing what we thought would be our future... Life is full of surprises.
We can certainly aim for what we want out of our future, if we pray and work hard at it. If you play with fire you're going to get burned, if you stay away from it, you'll most likely be safe. Only God knows the outcome of your life, for He holds your will, yes if you cowardly decide suicide, (I pray that you never do), prediction is in affect, but that choice is not from God. When you pity yourself, and walk with your head down it leaves a wide open door for satin to step on in, and make you fall. When you give your life to Jesus, and open your heart He will bless you today, tomorrow, and forever. Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.
Romans 12:1-2.
-Greg C. Jn 3:16
I believe God has our futures in his hands. As cliché as that may sound, no matter how much we resist or plan our own lives, his plans for us always manifest. We were born on these paths. We were born with natural talents. Some of us were born artists, some healers, and some thinkers. We are all predestined to achieve a goal on this path. When we run off that track it is obvious. Our days are filled with conflict, struggle, and negativity. Our souls are never at ease when we steer away from the divine. I feel it is one of our struggles as a human kind to submit to this force. When we do though, pure creativity, love and light pours into our lives. Our days become a breeze, we become naturally grateful, and we appreciate our lives and where they are heading. When you live and see the world through optimistic eyes, the end will always be the beginning.
I believe that you are in complete control over your future. Tupac and Bigge did rap about their death, however, for those rappers, and the lifestyle they chose, it was only a matter of time. Personally, i do not believe in a "destiny' but rather hard work and dedication to make your life what you want it to be. Finally, so my answer is yes, you can determine your future based on the effort put into it.
Any event happening in the universe or to an individual either a major or insignificant can determine you future is part of the law of life you chose your own future. Future is not chosen for you the harder you work for your future the reward will be equal or greater.
In my opinion the future is no prediction because you chose the path that you want to take. It makes a big difference though when you're born wealthy because you get a head start but when you are raised in poverty and violence you only put your faith into getting out of there and that takes dedication.
In my opinion we make our own destiny. Yes we choose our life for good or bad. If we make dumb choices we will fail but if we struggle to achieve our dreams we will succeed. Simple as that we choose to continue our education or drop out of school, we choose to have unprotected sex which will lead to pregnancy. We choose to pick or continue fights. Yes some times life can be unfair but it depends how we look at it and what we do about it.And about the death predictions i think it was just a coincidence because we know for a fact we are a going to die and by the life those people were living the chances of death were a bit higher tan an average person.
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