Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How do you feel about corporal punishment in the classroom?

Years ago, teachers were allowed to hit students in the classroom. They would traditionally use a ruler or a yardstick to mete out the punishment against certain infractions ie. lack of homework, incorrect answers, talking back, disruptive behavior, falling asleep etc..Can you imagine that happening in 2008? Would it create a better or worse learning environment? How would you feel as a student receiving such punishment? How would you feel as a student watching your friends/classmates receive discipline in the classroom?


mmlg13 said...

I cant imagine that happening in 2008. I dont think some parents would let teachers hit their kids. I think it would create a more worse enviroment for kids because you have detention these days. I dont think i would recieve punishment because im a pretty outstanding kid you know. if i saw a kid being beat i would try my hardest not to laugh but it would be sad.

LaccieBabe said...

I think now a days a kid will hit a teacher back if they tried to hit them. I dont think that will happen today. It will create a worse learning environment for the kids today. As an adult, I would not like a teacher hitting my children because i would perfer to do that myself. =) As a student i would try not to laugh! ahaha

BunnyFunnyMorgan said...

I think it would be absurd if teachers hit kids today. I would not like it at all. It is ridiculous and that is why we have detention and ISS and things like that. Overall it creates a worse learning environment for kids. If I was a student receiving such punishment I would not like it at all. As a student watching another, I probably wouldnt even look.

Unknown said...

I wish we could bring it back. Unfortunately, our society is in a different place now and parents would resent it and retaliate putting educators in danger. Ultimately, parents have a bigger job today in disciplining their kids and they have less time to do it because everyone works all the time :-) 20-years ago the whole community helped raise a child.

Unknown said...

As terrifying as it was to be threatened with a large paddle to the butt or knuckles back in grade school, the terror was even greater at the prospect of getting in trouble and having to deal with the wrath of Joyce! The pain from a ruler or paddle paled in comparison to the dread of a double-knotted, two loop iron cord cutting through your pants, underwear and skin, ripping out flesh and nerve endings! :-)

All kidding aside (OK, not really), this speaks to the root of the issue - if more kids had a Godly fear of their parents, then we wouldn't have to answer the question of corporal punishment in the classroom; it would not be needed. This is why I do not teach in schools today: coming from the 'old school', I would hit a kid that dissed me; and then I would end up fired, in jail, dead, or all three!

CJ Gibson said...

Great posts everyone! I can't imagine corporal punishment happening in this day and age in American classrooms either. Not only would teachers be hit back by students but then the parents would come up to school and jump on the teachers!!

CJ Gibson said...

Sweet MD, I too had a Godly and reverential fear of my mother. I didn't dare do something that I thought would incur her wrath-in school that is ;-)
My brother and I were so obedient in school that if the teacher made a complaint, my mother knew the teacher was lying, generalizing, projecting others' behavior onto my brother or I, or just downright mistaken. We never received her wrath for foolishness at school. She knew we wouldn't dare!!

CJ Gibson said...

I wonder how my 17 year old college bound son would respond to this post. For a while he was the kid that teachers would see on their roster and retort, "Oh no!" He was incredibly bright and would finish his work quickly-then start performing pranks with his other friends. He was involved in so many antics in grade was my husband as a kid. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. ;-)

This behavior would only occur with certain types of teachers. Very nice, kind, "You're so smart-I'll give you another chance" teachers would receive the brunt of his pranks (removing all of the dry erase markers from the board, hiding teacher's belongings...)

However, teachers that were firm, no-nonsense, "I'm going to call your parents, send you to the principal" received great behavior... I wonder if he were in an environment that used corporal punishment-would that have curtailed his antics?

bbyjewels said...

As scary as it may sound, I feel that corporal punishment in the classroom would help the world. Kids these days do things they know is wrong, but don`t think twice about it because they say "what`t the worst that can happen?" Being grounded is typically the most harsh consequence today. If these children were aware of a physical punishment, maybe they`d hesitate to do anything wrong. Therefore we`d have better school attendance, behavior, and that would lead to success. I, personally, would be afraid but not very because I never had a problem with school. However, if I did, I sure would have made sure to do all my work because I`d fear what would happen if I chose not to.

slove said...

I can't imagine this happening today. Times have definetly changed and i think kids would attack the teachers if they came close to them! I've even been around kids who curse at their teachers like its no big deal. Personaly I am glad teachers arn't allowed to do this anymore it would defiently be a weird environment.

enith said...

no. i dnt think that right.
i dnt even think beating you kids as a diciplinary act is right. there is other ways to correct someone and beating isn one of them. if someone hits you you get mad & now a days they student WILL hit the techer/professor back. haha

mrsgracec said...

I think this is def a NO NO. I couldn't imagine someone hitting my kids. It would be so hard putting up with that. There are a lot of teachers that don't have too many patience and they would be beating them. Thats why there are timeouts standards. I know that sometimes kids can get the best of you but you need to learn how to control yourself!

Unknown said...

Completly agree with LaccieBabe. Now in days kids would ssoo hit bck.
And i belive its not a good learning experience, if a student would get hit infront of the class imagine how humiliating that would be.That humiliation would make the student self conscious and harder to succed in life becouse the student won't even belive in his/her self

rkecskes123 said...

This totally would create a worse enviroment and I agree with everyone else that students would fit back hell I know I would. If a teacher had hit me with a ruler I would honestly grab that ruler and hit her/him right back across the face. Fear is indeed a control tool to use, but it isn't a good one at that.

Kyle Trejo said...

I dont think it would be a very good idea to let teachers hit their students these days because I think a lot of students would actually fight back now. If i saw any of my friends getting hit i would probably laugh at them then i would probably be up their with them ahaha But overall i think its a good thing that its stoped.

julia hurtado said...

In my opinion I feel like those were completely different times. If teachers were to do that now parents would be completely outraged with their children coming home with marks on their bodies. Tolerance is measured very differently in people. Some have no patience and others are full of it. Personally I would not have my child attend that school, if I wouldn’t hit my own kids why should I give you the right to. Hitting is just never okay in my book. Of course the classroom would be more in line and the teacher would be in control at all time, but it just would not be a good environment to be in. full of nerves and kids at the edge of their seats scared to say the wrong thing. As a student I would hate to be in that class watching my friend be hit for speaking out of line. Send them to the principal and let the parent handle it as they wish.

Unknown said...

I definitely do not think parents would tolerate that their kids would get hit. Personally, i think it would be a terrible idea for this to happen. if i was being hit because i made a mistake, it would make me feel terrible and not want to learn and probably encourage me to not go to school. this is a ridiculous act of punishment.

kenyi said...

I don't think this would be a good idea for the the teacher to relieve stress. If anything if i were the one being disciplined i would answer back not verbally but physically.This shouldn't be put into action.

Unknown said...

I cant imagine it happening in 2008. Thag would be so embarrassing. I also dont think it will help the kid learn better or do homework. It is a parent job to raise their kids. And to show them what it is to have respect.. another adult should never put there hands on someone elses kids

Unknown said...

if they would have brought this back in 2008 I could nearly guarantee that a lot of students would get suspend or expelled for fighting back. the mentality is would you be the laughing stock for getting hit or be know as the rebellious one for fighting back

Unknown said...

I think it’s very ridiculous for teacher to hit the students. If they did that to me, I wouldn’t like it at all; I’d just leave at that moment and not return. Now a days, i wouldn’t want to imagine a teacher hitting a student with a ruler or belt that’ll leave a mark. That’s why now there’s is a better technique which are timeouts or detentions. Not many teachers have patience with students to deal with that kind of stuff. I also think that they’ll be humiliated in front of their friends and classmates if a teacher were to hit a student.