Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Teen Groundhogs

As parents of teens, our primary job is to prepare them for the real world. Sometimes teens make bad decisions. Is it appropriate for teenagers to be punished? Is grounding ok, teens? What other methods of ‘learning lessons’ do you feel are effective for teenagers? Now let me add, I never was grounded as a teenager, I was whipped. My own children say I lecture too much…Which method is most effective and why?


mmlg13 said...

It's okay to ground teens. They need a good grounding if they do something bad.

lilyflower said...

I think that teenagers NEEDDD to be punished. How else r they supposed to learn their lessonss

mg21 said...

Parents should do whatever they feel is needed to discipline their children.

CJ Gibson said...

Thank you for your comments mmlg 13, lilyflower and mg21. It sounds like you are all for teen discipline and corrective behavior.

cynthia sanchez said...

I believe that it is good to ground teens. I got both whippings and being grounding. I think that you should talk to your teens and explain to them what they did wrong and why it is wrong so that they understand why they are being punished! not just being grounded and not knowing why.

LaciMerie's Mommy said...

i was physically punished, grounded, talked to, even had the cops get involved as i was a teen, but nothing got the point across because i had no great examples to really show me the correct way of dealing with the situations.

adriana_g said...

i believe that punishing teens may work sometimes but not all the time as while as hiting your teen. In my case i have seen other kids do bad stuff and they were my friends but i didnt follow their footsteps because i knew it was wrong and i didnt want to end up like them or worse like in prison or dead or etc but also having your parents tell you right from wrong will help teens when they are being tested. and having a good role model

bbyjewels said...

Being a teen, I think that whooping`s and grounding are necessary but it will not work 100% of the time. I got so used to the same punishment to the point where i just wasn`t afraid of the consequences. In my case, my mom kept me on lockdown all my life and still does to this day. She does this thinking it`ll prevent me from doing wrong, especially getting pregnant as she did at my age. But little does she know, the more strict she is on me, the more I rebel. The more communication and understanding there is between parent & teen, the less arguing and grounding would happen.

Aavila79 said...

I don’t think it is appropriate for teenagers to be punished. It is ok to ground teenagers but to only a certain extent and it also depends on the situation. Having the teen learn on their own will let them become a more responsible adult in their future. Punishing a teenager and keeping them locked up all their teenage life isn’t a very wise idea, finally when it is actually time for them to venture out into the world they go and be rebellious and party like crazy when they should be working on their lives and future plans. Lecturing is a good way to get into your children’s heads, but it leads to them sooner or late just ignoring you and often is just a waste of time. But who really knows the most effective way to get into a teenagers head and to possibly help them become a better adult than their parents were at their age, we all learn in our own special ways.

slove said...

I think it is okay for parents to lecture their kids. Personally my parents never grounded me or my siblings and we still know right from wrong. I think if you ground your child they may want to sneak around more and that could be dangerous.

Fassy said...

Yes grounding should be used for teens. If they are out doing things they shouldn't be doing, then it would be best to keep them inside away from being out and about. You also need a very good lecture to go with the grounding. They need to learn from their mistakes and you have to be there to teach them.


Wow I'd prefer a long lecture ANYDAY. I do get grounded here and there, but I definitely do not think it's the best method to solve any problem. Grounding a kid is like taking away a little piece of freedom from them. once its gone, they're going to take an opportunity to regain it back. Another thing is some kids dont learn through punishment, they learn through life experience and first hand visual of what right from wrong is. Take me for example, I was never one to obey parents rules. Eventually It took a lot of realizing that once i walk outside my house door, life is happening and i need to be very careful. Most teens are kept home or grounded because parents are afraid that they'll be hurt or caught up in an accident. Things don't happen for a reason though, they just happen. You can cheat life but you can't cheat death.

alyssabailey said...

It’s important for parents to make sure that their teen doesn’t continue making the same bad decision. Parents should have conversations about real issues with their children on a regular basis. Sometimes teenagers need to be punished and it’s their parents’ responsibility to use an appropriate method of punishment. Hitting a teenager may not be effective because it will not help them learn the consequences of their action.
I believe parents should talk to their children and understand their personalities so that when their child is in need of discipline, parents can respond quickly.

ethridgej said...

With teens I think grounding is a good idea but doesn't always work. As for my self my mom tried to ground me but that just made it worse. I felt like she didn't trust me so might as well do what I want since she already expects the worse out of me. Teens are to old to get hit by their parents. This just angers them more and can led to more problems.

Edgar Garcia said...

I am a teenager. as a child just like you i was whipped, that was the way my parents thouht they should dicipline me, but to be quite honest it only made me want to rebel. i did rebel. now that i am older, yet still a teenager, my parents and i have a wonderful relationship and there are no secrets, and no more whipping. when my parents feel like i am doing something wrong they sit and have a serious talk with me, this method actually makes me listen and take whatever it is they have to say into consideration. parents and their children would have stronger relationships if they had an open mind set, all it takes is to know how to communicate with someone in order to connect and be a part of the life they are having.

Lavette V said...

I was maybe spanked in my life that I can remember 3 times, my mom was much more of lecturing type of parent, expalined alot to help us understand we wnet to church alot so when my sister and I got out of hand all she had to do was put the fear of God in us literally, like what would he be thinking about what you did or what would he do you need to go to the room and say a prayer. Although as we got older we gave my mom a hard time,lost touch with church and today I feel really bad doing that because she was a single mom raising two, we always did good in school and thats always what she wanted but because we did she gave us to much freedom and parented out of guilt, this just put a strain on our relationship, she never wanted to ground us, I think she should of! alot! and probley more beating would have put the fear in me to put me straight. Grounding is absolutly appropriate.

julia hurtado said...

Grounding teens is a very good method to keep them on top of what they... or we need to do. It helps for encouragement to maintain our good behavior and never slack off in work. Lecturing is also a very good way of teaching them some good lessons. Hitting your children is more of a technique used in the earlier stages of childhood. I was hit as a child and once I grew older it just turned into lectures and groundings. my parents claimed it would only push me away.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my language...


My youngest brother is 18 and is struggling to graduate high school. he was never punished, he was never kept from enjoying time with friends, heck, he gets away with slamming the door and walking away from my mother! let that have been me and my a** was grass!!! let that have been my other bro, his A** was homeless!

moral of the story... teens are still kids so parents don't hesitate to show alot of discapline!!!

maribel aranda

Unknown said...

Yes I believe kids should be punished especially now a days this generation is only getting worse and worse. And I thought my generation was bad.. Kids these days get what they want and get away with it. No that's not how life works parents need to be more strict and have limitations on their kids. Kids now a days have no respect and manners and it's just sad, parents need to teach them how to grow up the right way.

Unknown said...

The foolishness of teenagers is unreal. They believe they know way more than their parents. sooner or later a teen will make a mistake and it is vital for a guardian to take action and be prepared to punish them. For example, a way that was effective for me was them taking away everything i could do for fun, and for a LONG time. I hated the feeling of not having what i loved so i made sure i would do my best to not get in trouble. But of course i was not that good at being good.

yarixa said...

A good way to ground your child I would say is best to take away their belongings. For example taking away their privacy by taking off their door to their room, their electronics, and their enjoyment. I had a friend who always behaved bad and as her punishment her dad took away her make up and clothes and made her wear the same clothes for a month did she learn? YES!

mobeautiful said...

These days are harder especially for single parents who have to work to provide for their families. Mothers seem to be gone more and kids are left alone; no adult supervision. These kids are exposed, bullied, and peer pressure seems to take the best of them. I work and attend school, how I do it? I don't know but I don't allow myself to forget that my first priority are my children. I don't lack on punishment or grounding them, or kicking their butts!! Kids need a strict structure; and parents, don't feel guilty cause they choose to be a little cold towards you they come back around sooner than later.

kenyi said...

Teens now a days do what they want and as a result they get get into trouble. Parents have the right to discipline their child however they feel is necessary, but that could backfire since teens don't usually listen to whatever anyone tells them.

Unknown said...

Teens do make alot of mistakes as growing up.. and somethings they do need to be punished on... but being grounded no... as a kid i was whipped as well and which taught me what i should and shouldnt do. When i think when people get grounded some dnt really care the say oh well im only going to be groumded for a week then go back tp doing the same ol foolishness

OscarA said...

I think teenagers should be grounded if they have done something that they know they shouldn't have it in the first place like be disrespectful toward someone.However teenagers could also be punished or grounded if they fail to do certain things that they know they must do. For example a couple of months ago my parents found out that my brother was failing school and even skipping classes, yet at home he was given several things such as money,video games and even got to go out with friends anytime he desire. This upset my parents which let them to have a talk with my brother, they didn't hit him but did take his stuff and free time away. My parents were trying to show him that he was only hurting himself by not doing was he was supposed to do. He would be the one failing school, getting a bad job and not be able to enjoy life as he got older.

Unknown said...

now in this day of social media probably the best way to discipline your teen would be to take away all of there electronic devices and if they keep acting up you embarrass them in front of their friend.

Unknown said...

A teen should not be punished because they should already know what is wrong or right and there are consequences to their misbehavior.

Unknown said...

It is appropriate to ground your children because if you don’t ground them, they will not learn from good and bad. Some ways to ground your children are to take away the one thing their interested about, for example, the tablet, or phone. This generation is getting worse now a days because everyone is on their electronic device and they don’t want to do anything, they start to get lazy. When I was little around 11, all the kids would be playing tag outside, now I look outside and I don’t see much kids playing because they’re so busy on their device.