Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is College Really Necessary?

I was talking to a group of young college students last night. We were discussing life after high school. The challenges that college students face can be daunting-particularly in today's economy. Funding difficulties and lack of student loan availability are barriers that impact many degree seeking students. Is there a way to make a decent living without a college degree? Explain...


cynthia sanchez said...

honestly, in today's economy to get a job even at macdonalds you need a high school diploma. These jobs are raising the bar. If you want to make a decent living and a good career you have to get a college degree. The stakes are just too high now a days.

LaciMerie's Mommy said...

Having a college degree still does not even improve your chances of getting a job right now. In this economy, most feel that because they cant get a job, and not sit on their butts, they go back to school. So that maybe one day when they are finised with school that the economy will be well enough to gain a substantial career in the field of their choice.

WitchHazel said...

Yes and no, not really. I say yes because, many people are living decent lives without a college degree. Using me as an example, I do not have my college degree yet, but I am in the process still, I have two jobs, my own apartment, and car. I do not have to live pay check to pay check.I wouldn't consider myself lucky, but blessed. I also say no, because with todays economy its bad. Many people cannot find good jobs for them to have a decent living. You cannot even work at McDonalds now with out a high school diploma. I strongly suggest that everyone get a college degree. You are NEVER to old to go to school. A college degree just opens so many doors and opportunities.


I think college is a good source of intelligence, experience, and overall growth. There are people out there that claim they can extract this sort of wisdom/knowledge from real life in general; That Knowledge can be found anywhere as long as you allow it, but in my opinion, college is a consistent stage in a persons life which allows them to actually progress. Every individual has their methods towards building a career they love, and college is a helpful foundation.

adriana_g said...

i think that you can make a living without a college degree but it will be harder and also the job will be hard labor job and it might be min. pay. so i say yes to college

pak_attak_7 said...

coming straight out of high school i do not like the real world or the adult life as some people call it. although i keep track of my responsibilities i would rather be in high school where the responsibilities were limited. as for making a decent living without a degree i think is possible if your single with no kids but would still be difficult or if you lived at home with mom and dad but i would still think it would be difficult.

Aavila79 said...

There is one possible way to make a living without a college degree. Some of the richest people have become famous for creating the world’s countless phases. People who create the world’s fads become really rich, and most of them have no college degrees or even high school diplomas. Something that the everyday Joe uses and then ends up merchandizing it into the market can become a big shot. They can create the latest fashion statement that the world will take over.

slove said...

I think getting a college degree is necessary at this time. Many places are raising the bar and if you don't have enough qualifiactions for a specific job, somebody else will. Even if you wanted to start your own business, especially in this economy, you may want something to fall back on in case something were to happen.

NeekLow said...

Just this morning i was watching KTLA 5 and they were talking about success with or without a college degree. The best thing to do is get a college degree. Once you get it, you will have more opportunities and a higher spot to those who dont have a degree. Although, many people who didnt go to college are a great success and living a wonderful life, For example: Kobe Bryant, Tyra Banks, Megan Fox etc. I believe getting a degree isnt the answer to everything but is the best choice

bbyjewels said...

I don`t want to say college is not necessary but it`s for the people who want to expand their knowledge and have a career rather than a job. The difference between a career and a job is that career`s pay dramatically more for less labor. A job typically just helps someone get by. I don`t know why anyone would want to go through 12-13 years of school to just end up with a minimum wage job for the rest of their life. Despite some cases where babies come into the picture and fast money is a must. But school is always the way to go.

yvette ramirez said...

In my personal opinion, I believe that individuals who are educated have a better living, have more expirience,and know more about our society, than those not educated. i also believe that every human being should have the opportunity to attend college and earn a degree, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or sex.

yvette ramirez said...

In my personal opinion, I believe that individuals who are educated have a better living, have more expirience,and know more about our society, than those not educated. i also believe that every human being should have the opportunity to attend college and earn a degree, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or sex.

mrsgracec said...

No i don't think that there is a better way to live with out a college degree. You need to prepare your self. Things don't just come to you, you need to work hard to get them. Now a day it is hard to get a job period but this is the perfect time for those who didn't attend college to do so n. It could be hard in diffrent ways lack of time, kids, financially but it is never to late to do something for yourself.

dennis55 said...

Yes! Without an education you will go nowhere with your life! I believe that the more knowledge you have the better your life will be.

ethridgej said...

It depends on how far up in the company you want to go. My mom has had the same job for the past 20 years. If she were let go she would be screwed not to have a degree that you need now for her position. Even with 20 years already under her belt.

John B. said...

I do believe college is necessary tool for an individual to do well in life. Statistics show a person who earns a college degree will make more money in a life-time than someone without one or just with a high-school diploma. This is for most cases, not all. I do believe its an area where one can grow as person going through college. Exploring new subjects,sources,people and responsibility to name a few. In today's society they expect more from us, having to know more necessary skills to achieve a task. Were in a time line in advancement.

rkecskes123 said...

Knowlege is in fact power, a power that can extend your way of life. College is nescessary if you want to good career because nowadays living on a low paying job is basically impossible. Havng a college degree is now a survival tool in this world. Being that said college is fairly expensive, with all of the money I am going to probably spend at college I could basically buy a nice looking house or car. Over all, college is a survival tool and hard to afford.

Unknown said...

It has its pros and cons but i strongly agree with WitchHazel you don't necessarily need a degree. For example, i have two older brothers and one went to college and the other one didn't. The one that didn't get a degree earns more money then the one that did get a degree. Its not just having a title in life but its knowing how to use our strong points in life and achieving what we want.

FeeHoop said...

Making a decent living without a college degree is possible but I don't believe it's a good decision to make, especially for a kid fresh out of high school. Although I had no college degree and am now in the process of pursuing one for the second time I consider myself blessed beyond measure because for the past 11 years I've had some great jobs, nice titles, worked for a few prestigious companies and made a decent salary. Last year I was laid off from a well known company. I had been promoted into a new position, once again I had a nice title, and I was making very good money but because of the economy and downsizing and considering I was the last one hired in my new position I was the first one in my department to be laid off. I need to mention that the position I was hired in was originally meant for a person with at least a bachelors degree but I was hired due to my years with the company as well as my relationship with several of the managers I had impressed with my work ethnics within my time with the company. Anyway I strongly feel that if I had my college degree it would have been easier for me to move on to another department within the company with the same or better earning potential. I believe I could've also landed something great with another company if I had my degree. I do have years of administraion experience and I was given letters of recognition that could probably land me in a nice position. I decided for myself that all these years of experience is not good enough for me anymore. I've gone back to college to do what i've always wanted to do, what my heart tells me to do and it is a wonderful feeling to know that the next position i'm in I will own it because I earned it by putting the time in at school. A job can be taken but once I get my degree it will always be mines, no one can take it and I will definitely meet the demand for a degree with the hiring company even if i'm not hired it will be on to the next company me and my degree.

Anonymous said...

Definitly Yes. without high education, no companies wants to hire a guy that's a high school graduate and has no skills what so ever,especially in this economy situation,college is a good source of intelligence, experience, and overall growth,no matter what you can do in the future,it's definity a experience that you don't want to miss.

Anonymous said...

I think if todays world we all need to have a education so in my eyes yes education is very much a necceity to continue going to school and yes college is important and yes it is necessary some people just don't realize how important it is at the time so yes go to college get educated if for no other reason but to stand on your own two feet you never know when knowledge will be needed or an income to strive forward only god know how much you need it.

Anonymous said...


Kyle Trejo said...

I think getting a college education is benefitial but i still think people can make a good living without it. I work at ups and i know in a few years that job will be able to provide for me and even a family one day. I know a lot of people that have gone to college and spent a lot of money for a degree and dont even have a job right now. So i dont see much of a point. I know plenty of adults that dont't have a degree and still make a pretty great living.

Edgar Garcia said...

untrepmoney is always an issue whether your attending college or not but ocourse college students have extra responisbilities and will have financial problems. yes, it is possible to have a "decent" life without attending college but why would you settle for decent when theres always an opportunity for improvement and a chance to better yourself and your family. I attend college because i know life has great things or me and i will conquer any type of distractions, even financial.

Robert Rincon said...

Is college really necessary? I have been pondering on this question for the past few weeks. I've come to the conclusion that it deepends on what you want in life. if you want to reach for the stars and do the best you can do then... of course! college gets you to where you want to be faster. however, It is not impossible to get there without college either. Some people tend to try to have a balance in life to where there eyes are not in the future but present day life. like, some don't want to work for tomorrow, they don't want to put all their effort in the future. It all depends on where you want to go, college will always make you more qualified.

Alma said...

havung a college degree it's imporatnt especially in the education field. Teachers are geting laid. In my case having a higher education secures your position every year there is an increase of proffesional growth hours you need to have to provide the quality and enrichemnt to the children and parents at my school. It takes time and effort a push but never give up it will pay back.

jon said...

i believe that now in this time period you can do nothing with out a college degree it is your key to having a successful life and living a good life with less stuggles then one who has no degree and their doors or opportunites are limited.

Shruti Lavingia said...

As a college student who doesn't have great financial stability I can understand where people would feel that college is not really necessary but in my opinion I think otherwise. I have never been a great student but when i started college I knew life had barley begun. College isn't just about book learning but developing skills and a personality that molds you into who will become one day. It teaches you how to survive in the real world and always keeps your brain excercised. I know sometimes it can be hard in this economy to survive through college but we live in america, the land of oppotunities. We are provided vast amount of options to be funded and get through school so that once we graduate and find a good job paying more than just minimun wage we can have a secure lifestyle where we dont have to work three jobs just to get by. Dont give up on school just because of money, there's more to it than just paper.

Israel H. said...

I believe there might be a way to make a decent living with out college. But it would be a bumpy road n perhaps bacl breaking.

Adrian said...

Well going to college doesnt necessarily mean you are going to be successful in life. Many people go to college to major in a certain subject and there's no job to be found when they graduate. On the other hand people that start working right away have a chance to move up in the companies they work in and get paid a good amount of money.

Anonymous said...

i think there is but the career choices are very limited. the food industry would be a good example to start buiding a possible career without a college education but you're in for a fight! this industry is hard on the workers. money is the only thing on the minds of these industries so working your way to the top isn't always accomplishable. there are however, a few restaurants like
chipotle or a couple of sit-down restaurant where they encourage the worker to excel.

maribel a.

Anonymous said...

Charles Mesias said......
Thanks to technology, there is actually a way to make a decent living without a college degree. YouTube is one prime example. If a person makes a video that generates a lot of views, around 200,000 or so, he/she can sign a partnership with YouTube where they are paid by the amount of views they get, something like $1/ per 1000 views. This money is mostly generated through ads mostly. Another example I heard from my friend is that his step dad makes $200,000 a year or so as a police officer. He is a high ranking officer though, and I think his rank in the military also helped a bit. There are ways now to make a living without college, but most they still require work, and are just as challenging as tackeling college. They also takes a while to get to make a comfortable amount of money, but its not impossible to live without a college degree. Over time though living off of making YouTube videos might not always suffice, and having a college might help in the long run.

smile big said...

Well there totally was a way like 20 years ago. Like my dads a good example he doesn't have a college degree. And he has a good income combined with my moms. But not now though.. I think in order to survive now you have to get a degree just to be considered for any job it feels like it. Jobs now are so hard to come by=/...

Unknown said...

I believe that a lot of students careers you have to have a degree or have done something to do with being in college to get there but I do think it is unfair to some students that are not able to go to school. I know so many people struggling financially and can't get an education because of that. They have no choice but to not go to school and getting an education is important for everyone it shouldn't have to be an option

Unknown said...

College degrees are very important to success. BUT! it is not the only way. It is very possible to live decent life without a degree. I Love to go by the saying, 'Its who you know, not what you know." very rarely someone can be given an opportunity and that person can use that and make a decent living. Being educated is a privileged, and will only make you go farther in this world so you can make a better living for you and for your love ones.

yarixa said...

To be honest I think college is important if we have an opportunity to go then we should. Its helps use go for our goals and challenge ourselves. We will get some where in life and wont have to struggle like other people do.

kenyi said...

Once I graduated from high school I was lost and didn't know what to do with myself. I chose the college path because I seen how my parents struggle throughout their life's and that's because they didn't go to college. So college is a real important step for everyone.

Axetwizt said...

College is the door for the Retirement when you hit your 60's if you don't want to end up broke or as homeless or working in a place for the rest of your life where you know you never going to get more than the minimum wage and no benefits, so college is the only chose in life to success and put a mark for your future generations that are coming and teach them that college is going to be the best choice to live the good life.........

Unknown said...

I think college is important and it is hard to make a decent income with out college.. everyone should go to college to become what they always dreamed about becoming in life.. college allows you to become many good things so why limit yourself? Yeah it maybe hard and stressful at times but look ahead...

Unknown said...

there are way to make a decent living without a college degree. get in a job and make you way up to the CEO position. or the other is to be a inventor witch is difficult to do because what hasn't been invented

Unknown said...

it is necessary because in order to have a good job you need to be able to have a college degree for your work place.

Amaro said...

if you want a do nothing and go nowhere job them you dont need a college degree. but all of the good paying job required a college degree. so college would be your best bet