Which form of punishment do you prefer for criminal offenders that commit murder? Which is the harsher form of punishment? What about rehabilitation? The reason that prisons exist is to supposedly rehabilitate the offender. Chime in and let me know what you're thinking.
I believe that life imprisonment is the harsher punishment because they have to live every day with the guilt of what they did. If you just kill all the murders they wont be able to realize or even try to have remourse of what they did.
For some crimes, I definately believe that capitol punishment should be used, i.e terrorists, and public threats, but not all offenders should be sentenced to death. I definately believe in forgivness, and the accused should have to live with the choices they made behind bars...
Someone who commites murder should spend life in prison and no recieve capital punishment, becuase, in prison the murder has to think about what he/she has done and hoe they affected someones family and what would happen if that was someone they loved and ared about. Life in prison is not an easy lifestyle to live. Who knows the murder may be killed in jail be another jail member. I dont believe in capital punishment because I feel like two wrongs doesnt make a right. Life imprisonment is the harsher form of punishment because they have rot in jail and live with what they did everyday of their life. If someone was a complete physco and enjoy killing people then I would recommend rehabilitation.But prison is similar to that as is. Most people learn from their mistakes.
Life imprisonment is definitely the harsher form of punishment rather than to just die. On the other hand, to keep these criminals in these cells from day to day means more money from out pocket. I feel that a jury should vote on whether or not the criminal has potential to change in prison, if not, capital punishment it is. However, killing every criminal is just cruel, because even if they committed the most gruesome murder for example, they are still human. And for us to kill them, what does that make us?
it would depend on the crime for me to decide what type of punishment i would choose for a prisoner. the harsher of the two is obviously capital punishment because no one wants to take another persons life.
For criminal offenders that commit murder I would prefer for them to suffer life imprisonment rather than capital punishment. Having them spend their whole lives in prison would let them suffer for the crimes that they committed, rather than ending their lives and giving them no time to think of what they’ve done. I think the harsher punishment is life imprisonment, rehabilitation does do a person good, but are they really mentally stable. Prison is a place where the offender can think about what they have done and be able to face the families they have hurt and be given a chance to apologize. Even though some crimes do indeed need to end with capital punishment for the horrific things some people have done, I still strongly believe that life imprisonment is the better offer.
for criminal that has commited murder i say that inprisonment for life is a harder punishment. that way the person has plenty of time to think about what he or she has done. i am against capital punishment and i see it as God will deal with murderers in his own way and we as humans can not deal with them.
I believe offenders should be given capitol punishment because anyone who is it that state of mind doesnt deserve to live. I don't think they need to sit in jail and think about what they have done,they knew what they did and I think it's best to just get rid of them.
I honestly think that Life imprisonment and Capital punishment are both terrible as it is. They both go hand in hand with pros and cons. But if i had to chose, I would say that Capital Punishment would be the best answer. Prisons don't need to be overloaded with more criminals. Please just put them out of their misery.
I believe that the best way to punish someone for commiting a crime, is to leave them in jail for a long time.That way they suffer mentally, not being able to be around their family and friends, and hopefully sooner or later they will learn their lesson, and realiza that what they did was wrong. In the other hand I believe no one should have the power and authority to kill someone else, its like commiting another cruel act.
I belive that we shouldn't use capital punishement. Because maybe those people that are in jail might change. Maybe some won't but who are we to kill? Maybe being all those years in there would make a person change. Being all those years in jail would be way more harder than giving that person an easy way out by killing them. You really think that a person is really going to change by dying? Being in jail is the best punishment for a person.
I'm on the fence with this topic. I like the thought of making the person suffer and make them remember what they did day after day but also believe in an eye for an eye. Guess it depends on the type of murder committed.
Capital Punishment is a better choice for those who have caused so much pain to another family and be able to realize what he/she has done. And hopefully be sorry for their actions.
It depends really in my opinion. I think that criminals who commit brutal murders against a individual or even amass murder should be 'put down' because they are sociopaths or psychopaths. Those inviduals have no place in this world, they only want to cause harm to others. Other murders need to be put away for life, but if they learn their lesson and take responsiblity for their actions then they might realize what they had done.
i believe that either one is a harsh punishment but the worst one would be life imprisonment because they would live with the guilt of what they did day by day and slowly regret on what they did.
I belive life in prison is the correct punishment. As the old saying goes "two wrongs don't make a right". Capital punishment is murder. Murder not matter what the cause or crime is wrong.
I think people that commit a murder should have to spend the rest of their lives in prison no matter what. If you take a life i believe yours should be taken to. Not by death, but behind bars. If you kill them they wont have to suffer for what they've done. If you were just an aquaintence and didnt actually commit the crime then you shouldnt have to spend the rest of your life behind bars.
The death penalty is probably one the hardest decisions any society has to make. I believe the death penalty is a necessary part of a civilized society. To be civilized we must make certain demands of each other and one of those is the respect for life. If someone takes a life, he or she has no respect for it and therefore should surrender thiers. The death penalty should be applied when a person takes away something from another that can not be returned. Rape, Incest, molestation and murder should all include the death penalty. Remember we are not judging thier soul but their actions and when those actions warrant the death penalty it should be carried out quickly and humanely. Prisons are an expensive venture because we have turned them into hotels and spas and we pity the decisions of those who have found themselves in one. The execution of someone will not prevent another from committing a similar crime but it will prevent them from doing it again which has happened numerous times. It is unreasonable to take on the burdens of anothers choices and we should be held accountable for ours.
Opinion from Cesar Medina
I do think that capital punishment should be used for some crimes. But at the same time being locked up in jail day after day living with the guilt of the crime you committed is a harsh punishment too. The prisoner has to be locked up and miss out on the life they once lived outside and miss out on watching there loved ones grow up.
How do people know the truth of what really goes on behing closed doors? only God knows. I do not recall the exact incident but in one of my college courses we discussed this topic. As a class we were revealed to situations where someone who was killed as punishment of a action he did not. the "justice system' is not always correct. With that in mind, i would not leave a life to a "were pretty sure h?she did it." Also, one of my strong beliefs is that human life is always to precious to take. The worst of people do change. In my eyes there is never a lost cause.
if a person takes someone life the need to lose their life. why shold they sit in prison for the rest of the their lives. with three meals a day and full medical. the taxes payer should not have to pay anymore because this person does not care what he/she does to anyone. killing someone does not happen by mistake and that person should give their live for it.
Who are we to decide to take ones life for the actions they commited doesnt make us better. Life imprisonment is a good solution for these type of cases for it gives the lost soul a chance to realize what he or she did is bad and that maybe they could change and regret what they did and hopefully learn and never want to think of doing it again. People do these type of things because at one point they slipped off the rock they were standing high on and could never get back up. they lost it and werent in the right mind to do what is right. Doesnt ok the fact that they commited murdered but death isnt the key for them either.
People can have many different opinions on this topic. Most speak from personal experience which affects their answers to questions like these. I believe after a murder people should definately go to jail but not for life. What if the person being charged for murder was set up by someone else, is it really fair that they have to suffer in a cell for there rest of their lifes?
Charles Mesias said....
I would honestly prefer the eye for an eye method where they are to be executed, but after recently reading about how much money it costs, how long it takes, and how families cannot move on, the best way to handle murder would be imprisonment for life possiby without parole. In a way it is still an eye for an eye, just not as immediate. Also those who are suspected innocent would not be accidently executed. For those that are innocent, they would have a better chance to be found clean.
Personally I dont think we have the right to take anyones life. Because a life time in prison and having to think about what they've done is a greater punishment then death I think.
I think life punishment is the best and harsher way to go. Those who have taken the life's of others and have committed ruthless crimes should live on with those memories until they can't live with it anymore. Using capital punishment is just allowing that person to free him/herself from those memories, instead of suffering in a caged cell for life in complete solitude.
I believe it depends on the crime. Because some people murder others possibly on accident? There are always different stories but if someone intentionally murdered an innocent person they should be sentenced to death.
I think believe that life imprisonment should be use. Why? Because it a makes them realize what they have done ....and might be able to change their ways
There are some crimes were capital punishment has to take place to show an example of what would happen if this type of crime is committed. I don't believe in capital punishment but some people do and im not one to judge. I would prefer that an inmate would learn his or her lesson behind bars for a long period of time, but there are just those kind of people that don't care.
I believe every crime deserves it's own punishment. Capital punishment should be used for terrorist, public threats to our country and to our people, to rapists, and psycho murders who kill innocent victims because they enjoy it. These kinda of people don't deserve to live freely within their cage. What I mean is WHY should they sleep on a bed, eat warm food, shower and clean up, get to hang out with out criminals after raping or killing their victims. Those victims don't get to live life or spend time with their loved ones.
I believe that bay far, life imprisonment is the worst way to go. Having to live with the guilt and know that your life will go no farther then just a jail cell is heartbreaking. It may be quick and easy to just offer the death penalty. However, criminals may not understand. It is a terrible punishment to have life in prison but i feel like that is the only way a criminal can comprehend his other actions.
I think it depends on the type of person we are Judging because some people do things with out thinking and some of them are not criminals they are people that just because of causes of destiny they make mistakes that they may not want to do or just did in a state of anger and those people should have a second chance but people with a criminal record should not have a second chance..
I know that some people might be in the wrong place at the wrong time and stuff happens. if it was a accident around 5 to 10 years. if it was planed out and done on purpose 15 to 20. if your going to give a person life in prison then why not give them the death penalty because they wont be able to enjoy life anymore.
I honestly think it is depending on the crime they made because if they committed a murder they should be punish for their crime.
i believe in capital punishment because their is always a consequence to every action. with out consequences their would be no order in the world. their would chaos and disorder
I feel all those who take a life should get capital punishment instead of life imprisonment because of the simple fact a life for a life. I stand by the who right whos wrong moral. I think life imprisonment is only a waste of holding someone either take they life or set them free
I think if someone is going to commit a crime they should receive either lifetime in prison or a couple of years. And if they get released and commit murder again then that's when they should be given the death penalty.
life in prison is a life time because if better then a capital punishment because a capital is not that long and that life in prison is long.
If any human being who commits a murder should get a capital punishment. There is no reason for sentencing them to life behind bars because they are just gonna feed them and house them for the rest of their life.
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