Are credit cards okay? They can aid your credit score but they can also harm your credit score if you have high balances. Are they fine if used in moderation? Or should we use cash only? Tell me how you 'weigh in' on the subject. Share your experiences if applicable.
to be honest I don't have a credit card, but some times they can be helpful because it helps your credit score and mostly things now depend on your credit score. It is also more easy to be with and don't have to be taking out your change. So therefore, it can go both ways because if you don't pay it off it harms it.
I don't believe in credit because it can ruin you in many ways. For starters the interest that you open the credit card with is always going to be high unless you make your payments. I rather have the money in hand .
Cash is always the way to go. Credit can destroy you just as it can help you. Fortunately, there are many good things as well, such as building a good credit score for careers. Safety should be present in using a card to prevent over spending or theft. Hopefully nowadays people can be more aware of their credit cards.
I don't touch credit cards because that is money where they bill you at the end of every month. I much rather use a debit card or cash to so its my money that I am using. I believe credit cards could ruin you financially if you go on major spending sprees and not working.
From personal experience I wouldn’t recommend using credit cards because of identity theft and credit issue.
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