World hunger is a real epidemic. It impacts a significant portion of the globe-even in the 21st century. What do you think we can do as individuals to alleviate hunger within impoverished communities and nations? Is it a lost cause? How can we help in a meaningful and lasting way?
If the UN or other major goverment were to be involed one of the things they could is geneticaly modifiy the food so more is produced.
World Hunger is such a depressing thing. But it is so possible to make a difference. Personally i take trips down to Mexicali to help donated my time and donate food to help the children who might now have what they want. We are so fortunate to have the things we have, so the least we can do is to donate somethings to children and people in need,in result to all help end world hunger.
In this century, I think people don’t care about anything else other than making money for themselves. I don’t see humble people anymore who donate their time and care for the less fortunate. If this were change then we as people could all work together to make a difference other than that it’s a lost cause in my opinion one can’t make a difference
It is sad knowing world hunger even exists, I feel like we shouldn't just worry about ourselves but those around us who actually are in need. This year nearly 9 million children younger than 5 years old will die endlessly, more than half from hunger related causes. I think us knowing this should do something about it and stop world hunger.
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